Visual Studio Code – Oracle Hyperion Related Syntax Highlighting

Recently I switched from Notepad++ to Visual Studio Code (VSCode). I had been wanting to switch for a while now as some of these text editors were getting very advanced and I wanted to take advantage. Among the large number of improvements this gave me were :

  • Ability to execute certain scripts (i.e. powershell / groovy / python / batch etc) directly from within the text editor
  • Ability to have my folder structure open as “projects”
  • Ability to open very large files (1 million+ rows)
  • GitHub integration

Once I made the switch, one issue I had was that in NP++ I had setup custom languages for Essbase Calculations, MDX (with hyperion related keywords, i.e. NONEMPTYBLOCK) and MaxL. I have since taken the time to convert all these to be used in VS Code.

Below are the different github’s for each language and how to install

  • Essbase Calculation Language
    • GitHub : EssCalc
    • Extensions : “.csc”
  • MaxL Automation Language
    • GitHub : MaxL
    • Extensions : “.mxl”
  • MDX With Essbase Related Keywords
    • GitHub : EssMDX
    • Extensions “.mdx”

To Install

  1. Download the github repository
  2. Unzip to any directory
  3. Rename “VSC-Language-<Language>-master” directory to “<Language>”
    1. I.e. rename “VSC-Language-EssCalc-master” to “EssCalc”
  4. Store in your vscode\extensions directory   
    1. Generally its in C:\Users\[YourUsername]\.vscode\extensions
  5. Reload VSCode (close & open)

Open up a script with the extension of your language and see it in action! Or simply create a new text file and paste some code in there, then hit [F1] and search for “Language” and choose “Change Language Mode” and choose your respective language